Yuanjia Biology

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Update date:2023/06/19
Effective date:2024/06/19
  • introduction

    The website domain name is provided by xxxx Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "us"). When you use our services, we may collect and use your relevant information. We hope to adopt this Privacy Policy I would like to explain to you how we collect, use, store, and share this information when using our services, as well as the ways we provide you with access, update, control, and protection of this information. This Privacy Policy is closely related to the website domain name service you use. We hope you can read it carefully and make the appropriate choices according to the guidelines of this Privacy Policy when needed. We strive to provide concise and concise expressions of the relevant technical terms involved in this Privacy Policy, and provide further explanatory links for your understanding.

    By using or continuing to use our services, you agree to our collection, use, storage, and sharing of your relevant information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
    If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or related matters, please contact usthrough contact information.

  • 1. The information we collect

    We or our third-party partners may collect, store, and use the following information related to you when providing services. If you do not provide relevant information, you may not be able to register as our user or enjoy some of the services we provide, or you may not be able to achieve the desired results of the relevant services.

    • Personal information
      The relevant personal information you provide us with when registering an account or using our services, such as phone numbers, emails, etc.
    • .position information
      Refers to the information collected about your location when you enable the device positioning function and use our location-based services, including:
      You can stop collecting your geographic location information by turning off the positioning function.
    • .log information
      Refers to the information collected about your location when you enable the device positioning function and use our location-based services, including: Your geographic location information collected through GPS or WiFi when using our services on mobile devices with positioning capabilities; You can stop collecting your geographic location information by turning off the positioning function.
  • 2. Information storage

    2.1 Information storage methods and deadlines

    • We will store your information in a secure way, including local storage (for example, using APP to cache data), database and Server log.
    • In general, we will only store your personal information for the time necessary to achieve the service purpose or under the conditions stipulated by laws and regulations.

    2.2 Information storage area

    • We will store the personal information of users collected within China in accordance with laws and regulations.
    • At present, we do not transmit or store your personal information across borders. If cross-border transmission or storage is required in the future, we will inform you of the purpose, recipient, security measures, and security risks of the information leaving the country, and obtain your consent.

    2.3 Notification when products or services cease operation

    • When our products or services stop operating, we will notify you in the form of push notifications, announcements, etc., and delete your personal information or conduct Data anonymization within a reasonable period of time, unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations.
  • 3. Information Security

    We use various security technologies and procedures to prevent information loss, improper use, unauthorized reading or disclosure. For example, in certain services, we will use encryption technology (such as SSL) to protect the personal information you provide. But please understand that due to technological limitations and various malicious means that may exist, even if every effort is made to strengthen security measures in the internet industry, it is impossible to always ensure 100% security of information. You need to understand that the system and communication network you use to access our services may encounter problems due to factors beyond our control.
  • 4. How we use information


    • 向您提供服务;
    • 在我们提供服务时,用于身份验证、客户服务、安全防范、诈骗监测、存档和备份用途,确保我们向您提供的产品和服务的安全性;
    • 帮助我们设计新服务,改善我们现有服务;
    • 使我们更加了解您如何接入和使用我们的服务,从而针对性地回应您的个性化需求,例如语言设定、位置设定、个性化的帮助服务和指示,或对您和其他用户作出其他方面的回应;
    • 向您提供与您更加相关的广告以替代普遍投放的广告;
    • 评估我们服务中的广告和其他促销及推广活动的效果,并加以改善;
    • 软件认证或管理软件升级;
    • 让您参与有关我们产品和服务的调查。
  • 5. 信息共享

    目前,我们不会主动共享或转让您的个人信息至第三方,如存在其他共享或转让您的个人信息或您需要我们将您的个人信息共享或转让至第三方情形时,我们会直接或确认第三方征得您对上述行为的明示同意。 为了投放广告,评估、优化广告投放效果等目的,我们需要向广告主及其代理商等第三方合作伙伴共享您的部分数据,要求其严格遵守我们关于数据隐私保护的措施与要求,包括但不限于根据数据保护协议、承诺书及相关数据处理政策进行处理,避免识别出个人身份,保障隐私安全。 我们不会向合作伙伴分享可用于识别您个人身份的信息(例如您的姓名或电子邮件地址),除非您明确授权。 我们不会对外公开披露所收集的个人信息,如必须公开披露时,我们会向您告知此次公开披露的目的、披露信息的类型及可能涉及的敏感信息,并征得您的明示同意。 随着我们业务的持续发展,我们有可能进行合并、收购、资产转让等交易,我们将告知您相关情形,按照法律法规及不低于本《隐私政策》所要求的标准继续保护或要求新的控制者继续保护您的个人信息。


    • 与国家安全、国防安全直接相关的;
    • 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的;
    • 犯罪侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的;
    • 出于维护个人信息主体或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又很难得到本人同意的;
    • 个人信息主体自行向社会公众公开个人信息的;
    • 从合法公开披露的信息中收集个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道。
  • 6. 您的权利

  • 7. 变更

  • 8. 未成年人保护

*How do I address you?
*Your company's name is
*Your contact information is
What industry do you belong to
What product do you make
Talk to me about your needs

